The idea behind the Pain Coach has been developing over number of years and in reality is always developing based on ongoing coaching relationships.
Why a Pain Coach?
Well in truth it is a response to my own need, as it often is in these situations. In 1980 I suffered from an attack of Transverse Myelitus, which at the age of 18 was a little devastating. For six months I was at the beck and call of people who would wheel me around in a wheel chair. Exciting for the first10 minutes, but then realised I couldn't juts get out. After 6 months I had managed to recover well enough, but always with pains and aches which never really went away.
Life carried on.......marriage,......
In 2008 something happened, and i was suddenly struck down again with the same symptoms, but more pain, less mobility and the beginning of a depression which haunted me. by 2011 things had not really improved and I was aware that physical work (as an electrician) was not at all a good idea. I started to look at something new to do and Life Coaching seemed a good bet.
That was step 1.
Step 2 came from a different source. As my pain was not very well controlled by strong pain killers, I attended the local Pain Management Course. I was perhaps very sceptical, but it was good to meet other people who were in pain..... we could form an alliance of pain defiance.
As with most things, I found the whole experience very challenging and liberating. And so the thought process started to form.
I now had 2 skills which I could see would be beneficial to others in a wide range of ways.
Step 3 was perhaps the most difficult. Here was a concept, but could it, should it, would it work in reality.
I researched the limited amount that there was, I spoke with other professionals, I checked out the ideas, and most importantly I started to try it with Coaching Clients.
As I honed my skills the Pain Coach slowly emerged, not just through my belief but through people making major changes in their lives regardless of pain and chronic illness.
and all I did was to see the possibility..........and it is very good.